monsoon mandala

summer winds travel through Kerala.

From June to September, it is monsoon season.
Heat and an influx of rain create a dynamic landscape for architecture to respond to.

a recycling depot faces the Arabian Sea

you peek through jalis in the brick walls that surround the recycling gallery. Industry is a spectacle.
on the east end, people craft metal into pans, bicycles & panels to further the roof across the site.
For now, frames support canvas which shade the plaza.

It is a radiant structure - the monsoon mandala is cause for effect.

Enough littered beaches on windswept coasts.
Enough blame, offloading guilt, unbelieving, ignorance.
Enough taking. Enough indifference.

open architecture and earth states that shifts are ever possible; we are eternally connected.
Moving forward, interference patterns create harmony.

The road is an endless cycle.
We are born, we live, die, decay, we are reborn - as fragment, as figure, as food - nourishing life.
This is a partial architecture always open to be competed!


The City & The City
Professors: Roger Connah, Jesse Rafeiro

Winter 2021

folding deluge

this summer workshop explored cross-disciplinary threads including fractal theory, Da Vinci’s drawings of deluge & structural properties of wire mesh.

I worked with Shirley Chung to fold, arrange, connect layers of metal that expresses the motion of natural phenomenon, including wind and waves. The resulting work was displayed at Carleton University’s Macodrum Library (Building 22) & Lightroom Gallery.

Mechanism / Muse
Exhibition Information

Crossings Workshop
Collaborator: Shirley Chung
Professor: Manuel Baez

Summer 2019