Legend traces story.
The gracious offer of an olive branch. Strolling through the plaza. Whispers as the branches sway.
Time and again.

Confront Contradiction

Life adapts to routine in this factory that has been confronted, then altered to reflect the scale of human bodies which inhabit it.
December 2020

Networks Through the Negev

Every day, I remember. Memory is a network traversed by the body.
November 2020

Sites of Hydrotherapy

People live close to water for spiritual needs as well as functional. Settlements emerge in response to landscape.
September 2020

Circulation of Light

...morphing from metaphor to a manifestation of material culture.
May 2020


Metal brought you and I together. We looped copper wire around our forks. Stepping out, our fingers shaped elemental movement. Viollet Le Duc said that stone stacks and metal reaches. I will leave the day you whisper about the nostalgia of masonry. Our metal hearts will break into tiny metal pieces. Paint will fray. Dents will never be ironed out.

Metal entered history early. Metal was the future then, even more so now. Metal remembers while forgiving. Metal won’t worry. It will support. Metal carries stone concrete tables, people, pipes, perogies and does not complain. Metal would not even if it could. Metal is humble, silent, sleek. Without metal, schools would not exist. There’s a chance you wouldn’t exist. These words would remain formless.

I lace my crackers with metal. Metal finds me my keys. Metal holds my paint brushes & metal tubes hold my paint. A metal easel carries my painting, with metal legs & metal arms. Metal blades derive plural. Metal prunes my hair. I don’t believe in rock paper scissors; it is a misleading game. Metal brings music to my ear. Metal substantiates claims. I am working on a way to replace my veins with 12 gauge wire. Pins & needles will no longer just be a feeling.

Metal understands me. I am a suggestion of ions, shifting and floating; this is my chemical makeup. My electric feelings are slowly building up and one day I will be all positive charge. Paperclips will beckon to my will and I will use them to pull together all the fragmentary pieces that make up the world.

November 2018